Facts & myths: face wrinkles explained

Many people are terrified when thinking their faces will be full of wrinkles one day. Thankfully there are plenty of ways we can use to fight the signs of aging. If it’s hard for you to come to terms with this inevitable consequence of aging – see the best anti-wrinkle remedies and – above all – verify some opinions to care for the skin the right way.

Facts & myths – the truth about face wrinkles

You don’t need anti-wrinkle creams if you’re under 35.

Myth. Even twenty-five-year-olds should reach for anti-wrinkle creams, particularly eye creams. Wrinkles and processes having a direct effect on your skin’s appearance start occurring once you turn 25. If your skin is fatigued, sun-damaged, destroyed because of cigarettes and unhealthy lifestyle – an anti-wrinkle cream is a must. Usually thirty-year-olds start applying antiaging products which is a very good approach to skin care.

The appearance of wrinkles has nothing to do with your lifestyle.

Myth. Unhealthy diet, cigarettes, too much alcohol, weight fluctuation, long-term stress, too little sleep and air-conditioning make twenty-year-olds look worse than people who are 35 and live a healthy lifestyle. Keep healthy and enjoy your life!

The drop of hormone levels causes the occurrence of wrinkles.

Fact. Hormones do have an impact on the skin. If their level drops, the skin feels it – elastin and collagen fibers – essential to keep the skin plump – are weaker. Sebum and sweat glands work slowly, therefore, the skin loses protection and water. To make things worse, the muscles which give the face its shape weaken, which leads to loss of plumpness and smoothness.

Too much sun exposure doesn’t trigger wrinkles.

Myth. Both the sun and the fake sun in sunbeds damage the elastin and collagen fibers irreversibly. Consequently, fat cells in the epidermis are damaged so the skin is dehydrated and saggy. Deprived of water the skin creates perfect conditions for wrinkles to appear.

Obese people have fewer wrinkles.

Fact. The skin of obese people is plumper so it stays smooth for longer. The fatty layer of the skin is thicker. If any wrinkles appear, they are shallow and less visible.

You can’t smooth the existing wrinkles out.

Myth. Furrows can’t be easily fixed but you can get rid of fine line by following the proper skin care. The choice of products is crucial – you must reach for a professional face serum e.g. rich in retinol or vitamin C, and hydrate the skin regularly using products containing hyaluronic acid. This way you keep the skin in shape, delay the appearance of wrinkle and eliminate the first lines. The better hydrated your skin is, the longer the face stays wrinkle-free. That’s why you need to drink a lot of water every day and get a quality hydrating serum, e.g. with hyaluronic acid, as soon as you turn 20.

