Correct make-up removal: cleansing milk, micellar liquid, foam, or oils?

In the evening after an entire day, our skin requires a lot of care. Do you know how much terrible things gather on it? Dust, fumes, excess sebum, sweat, bacteria, and of course – make-up. The incorrect make-up is the reason for skin condition worsening, imperfections as well as red, itchy, and puffed eyes. What should you use for make-up removal to avoid those problems? Meet cleansing milk, foam, micellar liquid, and their properties.

Cleansing milk – the properties

Cleansing milk is a thick cosmetic with sour cream or yogurt texture. It contains the most moisturizing ingredients so it is best to use it when you have dry or mature skin. Sometimes its texture may be seen as a disadvantage, for example, when you have oily skin. Apply the cleansing milk using a cotton pad and wipe the skin with it in a gentle manner. Switch up cotton pads until the next one will be entirely clean after wiping the face. Another method is to take the cleansing milk on to the hands and massage the face to dissolve all the cosmetics. Then the product needs to be wiped off the face with cotton pads and skin needs to be rinsed with water.

Gel and foam make-up removers – the properties

The lightweight texture of the foam makes it the perfect cosmetic for make-up removal for all skin types, from oily, through normal, to dry, couperose, or sensitive. Foam can be very gentle and take perfect care of the skin while removing the make-up.

Make-up removing gel should have great and natural composition, otherwise, it can cause dryness and deprive the skin of lipids.

If you wash your face with gel or foam and water, start by making the skin of the face and neck wet, then take some of the product to the hand and massage the face with it. Rinse thoroughly afterward.

Make-up removing oils – the properties

This method is called OCM (oil cleansing method) and is known for ages, mostly in Asian countries. It is now taking over the rest of the world because natural oils are true beauty hit. They not only remove make-up, even the heavy foundation (oil removes oil), but also perfectly nourishes the skin and regulate sebum secretion and strengthen lipid structure. You can get a drugstore product or make it by yourself by mixing base oil (castor oil) and other natural oil. Remember to match it with your skin type.

Micellar liquid – the properties

The micellar liquid not only removes make-up but also refreshes the skin. It can also close the pores and prevent pimples. What is more, it nourishes and moisturizes the skin so it becomes supple, smooth, and soft in touch. The micellar liquid is recommended for women of all skin types, including sensitive and dry skin types because it doesn’t cause irritation nor leaves the greasy layer. Well-chosen micellar liquid doesn’t have fragrances or colorants in the composition and there is minimal amount of preservatives which makes it the perfect product for women with allergy-prone, atopic, or acne skin. However, remember that the micelles attract fat, dust, and sebum so after removing your make-up you should always get rid of the residues of micellar liquid with a toner.

